Are You & I

A Good Fit?

Schedule a free 15-minute Discovery Call using the calendar below
WARNING: Our discovery call may have you praising God and dancing like nobody is watching.
Let's grab the future together


Are You & I

A Good Fit?

Schedule a free 15-minute Discovery Call using the calendar below
WARNING: Our discovery call may have you praising God and dancing like nobody is watching.
Let's grab the future together

Schedule Your Call

& I'll see you in our session

It's important to ensure that every participant

in this program is a right fit.


After interviewing hundreds of business owners, Guy has learned that the initial discovery call can illuminate 75% of what's needed to know the business owner's character.


Guy holds himself to high standards of integrity and wants to work with other like-minded individuals.

Schedule Your Call

& I'll see you in our session

It's important to ensure that every participant in this program is a right fit.


After interviewing hundreds of business owners, Guy has learned that the initial discovery call can illuminate 75% of what's needed to know the business owner's character.


Guy holds himself to high standards of integrity and wants to work with other like-minded individuals.